In October 2005, a massive earthquake struck Pakistan and Kashmir. It was the strongest and by far the most destructive disaster in the northern region in the last 100 years. This devastating tragedy took lives of approximately 87,350 innocents, 138,000 were injured and over 3.5 million rendered homeless.

This catastrophe acted as a catalyst to the vision of Mr. Saghir Aslam and his wife, Bushra Aslam. The plight and misery of down and out children have always touched Saghir Aslam’s wife Bushra’s heart. Her dream was to raise even a small group of orphans, but with the same level of love, care and opportunity, as if they were her own children.

Mr. and Mrs. Saghir Aslam when saw the dire conditions of the people and orphans in the North responded to the call for need and embarked upon massive relief efforts in the affected areas. But the vision was not just to provide relief but to find a long-term solution for the orphan children. Therefore, an institution that has offered hope and a chance to restart a life full of opportunities for several children came into being.


We strive hard to reunite those children who have been separated from their families. It’s our greatest honor to put our struggles in this great cause.


We are very much concerned for providing individuals at Saba Homes with healthy, delicious and sufficient food. It gives us the utmost happiness to feed the future of this country.


As per teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) we consider it our core duty to provide quality education to the orphans of Saba Homes.


Orphans at Saba Homes enjoy learning different types of skills. We involve children and youngsters in various extracurricular activities to sharpen their abilities and bring out the best in them.

Pinnacle Management Company(PMC) has evolved from a desire felt by a small group of Pakistani professionals who have extensive management experience in the domestic and international arena to help and enable individuals and businesses